News for 24th October

News for 24th October

Holy Rest, 

why is it so important? 

It is often said that Priests, when they preach, do so primarily to themselves. This may well be an example of me writing an article I need to read!

We have a packed Autumn Term planned, there is something happening almost every week – and in many weeks more than just one thing. 

As we come to the mid-point of the term and the end of our Rosary Mission now is a good time to take a breath and take a rest. 

This isn’t being lazy, it isn’t running away – it is vital if we are to be in the best shape possible to welcome the people of Hayes as they discover us through the mission and evangelism work we are doing this term. 

What good will we be if, when children arrive for the various Christmas events, we are so worn down and grumpy that the welcome they receive is anything less than loving and enthusiastic? 

What good will we be if, when those people who have seen us open during the Rosary Mission come into church and discover it lacking enthusiasm and love because we are all burned out?

God gave us the sabbath – our day of rest – as a model of His being, of His love. 

To love Him, is to accept His rest… to be like the disciple that Jesus loved and to recline our heads in His lap.

Thank you for all you have done this half-term. Rest now. Come back re-energised and full of Love for Him.

Fr. Matthew


Other news

This week our amazing new choir (formed for this one event) will be performing their first Communion Anthem – Just As I Am – after The Sacrament has been distributed. Please do come and support them as they sing together in public for the first time. (Choir members – don’t forget, 9:45am on Sunday for one last rehearsal!)

An enormous thank you to all who helped so diligently over the last two weeks for our Rosary Mission. We had lots of people come into church because it was open, people walking by and seeing we were open, and people commenting how lovely the front is looking again. We have away hundreds of rosaries and leaflets and we gently introduced people to Jesus and his home here in Hayes – St. Anselm! Thank you!

Fr. Matthew is away as it is half term week – he, Catherine and Edmund are heading to Rome (their first time!) do pray for them as they take a breath – and pray for all families as they take some space and time to recoup a little after a hard first term back in school, college and university. You should also pray for the teachers and support staff who will definitely need a break!

Look out for a lot of changes to the mid-week schedule – please do come and support Susan as she leads Morning Prayer on Thursday at 10am.