News for 14th August

News for 14th August

The Assumption of The Blessed Virgin Mary 

This Sunday is a very special day indeed. We celebrate the solemnity (a feast day of the highest rank) of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary – the day on which she was bodily taken up into heaven.

In the eastern church this feast is celebrated as the ‘Dormition of the Theotokos’ – the ‘falling asleep of the mother of God’ – which I think is a beautiful way to describe it.

In the western church we teach that Mary was taken fully up into Heaven and that her body was not corrupted by death.

“Having completed the course of her earthly life, [she] was assumed body and soul into heavenly glory” 

This teaching is connected with our understanding of Mary as the second Eve. This running parallel to the teaching of Jesus as the second Adam. 

This is the final part of the four-fold teaching on Mary that we hold.

1 – Mary was the Mother of God (Theotokos).

2 – Mary had an immaculate conception.

3 – Mary had perpetual virginity. 

4 – Mary was assumed into Heaven.

These ‘dogmas’ (teachings revealed to the Church by God) form the basis of our veneration of Our Lady. 

We set Mary aside as special because only she can fully comprehend what a relationship with Jesus as fully man, and fully God entails. Through her example we can find a way to deepen and further our own relationship with God.

Mary is special because she takes us to her Son in all things. Ask Her for support when your faith is feeling thin.

Fr. Matthew 


Other news

Parish BBQ at the vicarage – this Saturday (20th August) 4pm-7pm. There’ll be burgers and sausages available, please do bring something to drink and a deck chair. Everyone is very welcome indeed. 

We are very short of plastic bags / paper bags for the foodbank. Can you please bring some in on Sunday. Thank you.

We continue in our light August model as we take a breath ahead of a new term in September.

Next Sunday (21st) Anthony will be with us again playing the organ, if you’ve got a favourite hymn you’d like to request now is the time to do so!