News for 3rd October

News for 3rd October

Raise your voice! 

Praise His name!

Over the last few months we have been blessed beyond measure to have been joined by our new Director of Music – Anthony Wang. 

He has shown us how music can lift our hearts – echoing the lines of the liturgy – ‘lift your hearts to the Lord’. 

It’s somehow easier to do this when you’re singing alongside your friends and family here in church and it’s so clear that – now we’re allowed to sing again – how much it was missed during the recent lockdowns and how vital it is to our worship. 

The best news of course is that we’ve started rehearsals of our choir for a special performance of ‘Just as I Am’ on the 24th October at Mass. 

This is a simple piece of music and doesn’t require great musical experience to sing. 

If you feel moved to be part of the choir, or just to come along and see how it all works then please come each Sunday between now and the 24th October between 2pm and 4pm.

Anthony is a gentle teacher and you’ll be amongst friends. None of us are professional musicians, but between us I have no doubt we can make a beautiful noise for God.

It’s also a wonderful opportunity to bring people to church who may not have considered coming before. An opportunity to invite friends and say ‘why not come to choir practice with me?’

You may open a door for them that they didn’t even realise was there.

Music lifts our hearts, it lifts our souls and with that we can climb closer to God with each note.

Fr. Matthew


Other news

Bring and share lunch is this Sunday! (3rd October) Please bring something to share and bring a friend. It’s a great opportunity to introduce someone to our amazing family.
(if you can offer to help get the tables ready on Saturday please let me know).

Thank you everyone who helped with the bric-a-brac sale last Saturday – much needed funds were added to the bank account – everything helps keep the doors open and welcoming. 

Choir practice continues every Sunday 2pm – 4pm until they perform on October 24th. Don’t worry if you missed the first rehearsal, come along and give it a go. 

I’m still looking for volunteers to help with the Rosary Mission (keeping the church open, providing tea & coffee etc) 10th – 24th October and to help run the Sunday School – we can’t start a Sunday School until I have some volunteers.