News for 8th May

News for 8th May

How to recruit a Mission Priest.

Saint Matthias is not mentioned in the synoptic gospels in the list of the Apostles. 

He does appear in Acts however and it’s clear that he was with Jesus from the time of his baptism.

In the days following the Ascension Peter suggested that one of the 120 followers of Jesus nominate two men to replace Judas amongst the group of Apostles. 

How they went about choosing these men is really interesting – they started immediately by praying.

And they prayed and said, “You, Lord, who know the hearts of all, show which one of these two you have chosen to take the place in this ministry and apostleship from which Judas turned aside to go to his own place. 

Acts 1:24-25

Given we’ve just launched our own campaign to appoint a new Priest (in addition to me) to St. Anselm I see the work of the Holy Spirit in the timing of the feast. 

Next Saturday (the Feast of St. Matthias) the advert will have been out in the world for about a week. 

Many people will have seen it and many people will have thought about it – but I want us to pray about it. 

Just as the followers of Jesus did all that time ago, I want us to pray ‘You lord, who know the hearts of all, show which one of these you have chosen to come to St. Anselm’

Please make next Saturday a special day of prayer that we find the right person to come and serve as Mission Priest in Hayes.

Fr. Matthew


Other news

Thank you to Susan and Julie for the flowers this week – I think they’re looking absolutely great!

A thank you also to the anonymous donor who has also given £250 to the foodbank – this is not the first time – so a huge thank you for the generosity. 

We’re looking to run a summer club for children (10am-4pm) for a week in the Summer Holidays. We have two great volunteers already, but we’ll need more – even if you can only offer a few hours. Please speak to Fr. Matthew. 

There will be a parish open day on the 12th July for Priests applying for our new Mission Priest job (interviews with +Jonathan on the 13th July). If you’d like to meet the applicants or help with showing them around the parish please be in touch. 

Our APCM will be on Sunday 22nd May immediately after Mass. If you would like to stand for the PCC please speak to Fr. Matthew or one of the Church Wardens. 

There will be safeguarding training at 10:30am on Friday 13th May – both C0 and C1. Please contact Fr. Matthew if you’d like to receive this valuable training. All are welcome.