Saints Cyril and Methodius, missionaries for Christ.
On Monday we celebrate with a feast! We do enjoy a good feast at St. Anselm’s and this is a good one.
Saints Cyril and Methodius were brothers who both entered the service of Christ.
Methodius was a monk and Cyril became a Bishop. Between them they are credited with many wonderful things (not least the invention of an entire alphabet) but at the heart of this celebration is the message of a joint purpose and calling.
The brothers were missionaries in the slavic countries and nothing could stop them bringing the message of Christ to those peoples – not even the lack of a language or alphabet to do so.
They joined forces to make Christ known in a place that was not especially open to the message…
Our mission at St. Anselm is just the same. We join forces with our brothers and sisters here in church to make Jesus known in Hayes.
Hayes may not be the perfect soil into which to plant – but our mission is one sent by God and so we must look to Cyril and Methodius and not be discouraged -but see it as an opportunity to discover new ways of doing things and new ways of communicating the Gospel.
Although, I do hope we don’t have to invent a whole new alphabet to do it!
Fr. Matthew
Other news
Date for your diary! Saturday February 26th we’ll be welcoming the Pontypool Male Voice Choir for our first big concert at St. Anselm in recent years. Tickets will be £5 but will be available next Sunday at the discount rate of £2.50. Tell your friends and get ready to sell some tickets!
We’ll be renewing the Prayer list at the end of this month with a new list for March (as will be our pattern for the future). If you would like to remain on the list, or if there is someone you would like to add please speak to Susan (contact details on the front page of the pew sheet).
Lent will soon be upon us. Fr. Matthew will be running a series of lent talks after Thursday Mass called ‘Holy Habits’. They’ll last for about 20 mins with discussion afterwards – as well as some suitable Lenten cake, tea & coffee.