Dear Friends in Christ,
Yesterday we kept the Feast of St Anselm and, in that we are not able to get to church because of Coronavirus, I celebrated Mass here in our home along with my family: offering the Mass for all of you and for Father Matthew Cashmore as he prepares to become your next Parish Priest. The Feast of St Anselm brings back lots of fond memories of my time as your Parish Priest. I arrived in Hayes 41 years ago and, though grateful to be entrusted with such a beautiful church with a rich tradition of Anglo-Catholic worship, I was also apprehensive because the numbers attending church were so low. The Bishop told me that if I did not make it a viable parish, then closure was in sight.
I have heard that life at St Anselm’s is again rather fragile but, from my own experience of God’s grace, guidance and blessings, I do encourage you to take heart as Father Matthew prepares to come among you. Pray for him now and for yourselves as a community now: and once he arrives pray faithfully with him and be faithful in your presence at Mass – which must be the heart of all you seek to be and do as God’s people. And God will be faithful: He will bless your lives and efforts given to Him. Remember these words of Saint Teresa of Avilla:
Christ has no hands but your hands
To do his work today.
No other feet but your feet
To guide folk on his way.
No other lips but your lips
To tell them why he died.
No other love but you love
To win them to his side.
Yours in our Risen Lord,