Come Holy Spirit

Come Holy Spirit

Acts 2:1-11, Romans 8:8-17, John 14:15-16,23-26

Pray that we continue to grow, that we continue to bring people to Jesus in baptism, that we continue to turn people from evil in the world, that we continue to offer a home of hope, love and faith for all.

It’s odd I think to see that in the first sentence of our reading from Acts ‘when Pentecost day came around’. 

I always remember being confused when I read it and heard it because to me Pentecost is the birthday of the Church, the powerful arrival of the Holy Spirit. 

It marks that moment when the Holy Spirit descended on the people of that room all that time ago – giving them gifts to go out into the world and tell people about the Good News. 

Why then do we see it mentioned here in this context? The reason is because it was already one of the three major jewish festivals – 

Those being:

Passover, Pentecost and the Feast of Tabernacles.

Every male of suitable age within 50 miles of Jerusalem was required to go to the Temple. 

They went for two reasons:

1 – To celebrate and remember the giving of the Law to Moses on Mount Sinai 


2 – To offer two loaves of bread as a sacrifice for a good harvest. 

It was celebrated 50 days after Passover – so this would be mid-June time – perfect conditions for travelling and that small pause in between sewing seeds and watching, waiting for a rich harvest. 

…and so knowing this, Pentecost takes on a wider significance for us, the heirs of that feast.

Over the last few weeks I have been preaching on the coming of the Holy Spirit, how, when he arrives he will give us the gifts required to go out into the world and bring people to Jesus. How the coming of the Holy Spirit will help us – how he will guide and shape us to be better Christians, better prepared for the time when judgment comes. 

I have told you that in the power of the Holy Spirit nothing is impossible. In the power and strength of the Holy Spirit there is no evil, no sin we can not turn our backs on – we can live a good and holy life – an example to others BECAUSE of the Holy Spirit. 

Because of the Holy Spirit we can continually decide to – as St. Paul puts it in Romans – Live in our spiritual selves – to not have to follow our unspiritual selves.

Who then has this gift? Who then receives the power of the Holy Spirit to go out into the world and proclaim Jesus? Who then receives the power of the Holy Spirit to turn away from Evil and turn others away from it as well? 

Who then receives the gift that allows them to follow the commandments? 


Each and every single one of us who has been baptised in water and in the Holy Spirit has received that gift!

That powerful gift that comes with great strength and fortitude. 

But, perhaps over time this precious gift becomes forgotten. It lies dormant in each of us – never really seeing the light of day because we burry it. 

Well today is your annual reminder to uncover it!

Today we put ourselves in place of the disciples in that room 2000 years ago and we shout ‘come Holy Spirit!’ 

We cry ‘Abba, Father!’

*We pray that tongues of fire descend on us and the gifts we have already received are made apparent. 

**We pray for the strength to live spiritual lives.

***We pray – and cry out – for the strength to bring people to the feet of Jesus. 

Now, I appreciate this can sound hyperbolic. A little over the top for our beautiful gentle and loving community here in St. Anselm. This calling on the Spirit is a little too charismatic. 

But, we must recall where Pentecost comes from. How everyone is called to the Feast as a matter of duty – not charismatic excitement or emotional blackmail – we are called – in the same way as the Jewish men where all that time ago to go to the Temple – the Temple being Jesus Christ – to remember his commandments and the Law we received – to offer a sacrifice at the mass for a good harvest – that many new people will come to know Jesus – and to cry out – in our own way – Come Holy Spirit! 

and it is in this power that this church will once again flourish and grow. 

It is why one of our three guiding principles is ‘rooted in scripture and sacrament’ because it is these two things that continuously pull us back to the power of the Holy Spirit. 

Perhaps today of all days is a good time to remind ourselves of the principles that root us in this place:

We at St. Anselm are rooted in scripture and sacrament, we are rooted in the parish and we are rooted in a love of proclaiming Christ. 

It is through these simple principles that we know that as our Sunday School gets going, as the children’s summer club launches, as we interview our new Mission Priest, as we step out into the parish after too long shut up and away from the world because of COVID – we KNOW – that we will bring people to Jesus in this place. 

We know that we will see new kinds of people coming through those doors. We know that we will be changed by them, made richer by them, brought closer to Jesus through them – just as they are brought to Jesus through us. 

And so today, yes, we celebrate that moment 2000 years ago when the Holy Spirit descended on the disciples, but we also pray that the power of the Holy Spirit continues to descend on each and every one of us, every day, every moment, that we open ourselves to that power, that we open ourselves to that calling, that we open ourselves to those gifts and that each one of us – in our own particular way – goes out and brings new people to the Light… each one of us helps others turn from the darkness, turn from unspiritual lives, turn from sin and evil and holds their hand as they discover the power, beauty and love of Jesus Christ. 

Because that is what we are! We are a church that brings people to that power! That light! That love! We bring people to baptism and a new life in Christ!

So each and every one of you must now ask yourselves – how do I do that? And the answer will be different for each one of you – but just by asking that question you’ll be inviting the Holy Spirit to powerfully move you. 

Make that prayer, ask that question – as you receive the body of Christ today don’t say Amen – say ‘Come Holy Spirit’. 

As you are fed at this altar, as you are nourished in body and soul ask the Holy Spirit to come and be upon you that you may know your task. 

Pray that we continue to grow, that we continue to bring people to Jesus in baptism, that we continue to turn people from evil in the world, that we continue to offer a home of hope, love and faith for all.

Come Holy Spirit. 
