Sharing our gifts.
Feeding those who are hungry.
Three weeks ago I stood at the lectern and asked you to help me feed those most in need in Hayes. Those who are not supported by the Foodbank or other charities in Hayes. The difficult to connect with, the difficult to deal with, the difficult to love.
Last Sunday at our Harvest Festival you responded in the only way you knew how. You poured out your love in bags and bags and bags of food, toiletries and treats that will make cold nights on the streets of Hayes just that little bit easier.
But you’ve done far more than just provide a bag of food. You have shown forth the love of Jesus Christ in Hayes in a way that nobody can deny.
You have taken hold of the hand of the most vulnerable and told them that you love them.
As we move into the colder months of the year these bags of food will go a long way to warm up the stomachs of those in need – but your love has gone a long way to warming their hearts as well.
These gifts are a gentle reminder that they are not lost. That they are part of our family and we love them just as Jesus loves all of us.
Thank you. From the bottom of my heart, thank you.
Fr. Matthew
Other notices
If you would like your loved ones prayed for at one of the two masses on All Souls (2nd November – 9:15am & 5:15pm) please make sure you write their names on the sheet at the back of the church or email Fr. Matthew
Fr. Matthew is away this week for half term – if you need a Priest in an emergency call the office number – 020 3855 0113 and you’ll be connected to a Priest who will be able to help.
Parish Giving Code – 230 623 503.
Call – 0333 002 1271.