News for week of 24th January

News for week of 24th January

The Word of God.

In my head, on my lips & in my heart.

This Sunday is set apart as the ‘Sunday of the Word of God’. We are encouraged to consider how scripture has impacted our lives and faith. How has the Word of God altered our day-to-day life? 

Each Sunday, as we get to the Gospel Reading we set it apart as important. 

We sing (in normal circumstances), we process the Gospel Book from the Altar into the throng of the congregation, we surround it with incense. Our senses are assaulted by sound, movement, smell. 

This all happens to bring our attention to a vital part of our time together – hearing the Good News. 

Jesus tells us to ‘repent and hear the Good News’. We often spend time on the former, but how much time do we spend on the Word of God?

Do we read it each day at home? Do we pay much attention as it is read at mass or do we allow our minds to wander? 

There is a trick in opening yourself to the Good News – especially at mass. 

It’s built into our liturgy and I suspect we all do it without thinking. 

It’s as we cross ourselves when the Priest says ‘hear the Gospel of Our Lord according to…’ 

There is a prayer to say as you do it…

‘Lord, please let your Word be in my head, on my lips and in my heart’. 

Try it at mass, and each time you read your bible.

Fr. Matthew


Other news

We welcome Fr. Angus who will be offering Morning Prayer, Mass and Evening Prayer for us on Monday and Tuesday. Please do come and support him. 

A skip will be arriving on Monday ready to start the clear out of the OLW chapel and sacristy ahead of building works starting in the next two weeks. The church will be re-arranged on Tuesday to enable the works to take place. On Friday 29th there will be a cleaning party after mass to dust and sweep the church.

Don’t forget to consider setting up regular giving with the Parish Giving Scheme. Call 0333 002 1271 with your bank details to hand and quote our Parish Code – 230 623 503