News for the week of 20th September

News for the week of 20th September

Uncertain times

With so much speculation about potential lockdown ahead of us, where can we find peace?

It is easy to fall into despair. To read the news, listen to the radio, watch the TV and be left feeling deflated, defeated and alone. 

Are we heading into a new national lockdown? Are those things that we’ve started to enjoy again after months of privation going to be taken away from us again?

But that despair, whilst easy to drop into and hard to get out of, ignores the reality of the bigger picture. That this life is transitory and that everything we do is about the life to come. 

An easy thing to say perhaps, and a rather harder one to live day to day. 

Jesus Christ is always with us. Deep in our hearts He holds us and comforts us. We can ignore Him, push Him away, stifle Him by thinking of unedifying things – but He never leaves us. 

In the depths of despair and worry all we need to do is open our hearts and He will fill us with His love. 


By coming to Mass, by coming to Morning and Evening Prayer, by praying the Rosary, by praying the Lord’s Prayer as we wake and as we sleep.

These simple things help us to re-connect with Jesus in our hearts – in the very depths of our souls. 

To reconnect with His comforting presence – which will – if we allow it – banish despair and worry.

Jesus wants nothing more than to love us and take us to His Father. So this week when worry raises its head, send it away with a quick Hail Mary!

Fr. Matthew

Other news & notices

Confirmations – given the current and expected advice we have taken the difficult decision to postpone the confirmations. After conversations with Fr. James at the Bishop’s office we have decided to invite +Jonathan in the new year once the hall is complete, the new Sunday School is up and running and circumstances allow a party… and what a party it will be! We will also do First Communions for those who may be too young to be confirmed. Please speak to Fr. Matthew if you have any questions. 

The APCM will take place after Mass on the 11th October. Please see the notice at the door. Nominations for Church Wardens, PCC Members, Deanery Synod Rep, Parish Secretary & Children’s Champion should be give to Fr. Matthew – forms at the door.

The live-streaming webcam and new sound system are being installed in church the week of the 28th September. There will be some disruption to daily mass and the offices that week but we are hopeful all will be up and running in order to allow us to resume live streaming all our services from Sunday 4th October.

Weekly Bulletin & Readings