News for the 27th June

News for the 27th June


Ordination season.

At this time of year it has become traditional to ordain Priests and Deacons in the Church of England. 

We also do ordinations at Michaelmas (and indeed can do them on any Ember Day, Holy Day or Sunday), but it is much more common at this time of year. 

For those about to become a Deacon or a Priest it is a moment of intense personal reflection and questioning. It is a moment where God places a call on your life and sets you aside for a special and life long service. 

That service can be hard, but for the most part it is service of joy, of love, of caring and of hope. 

A Priest gets to be alongside you in life’s most challenging moments – but also in moments of great joy.

A Priest is the person who stands in the person of Christ at the altar and makes Jesus present in the bread and wine. 

A Priest is the person who hears your confession. A Priest is the person who will never abandon you. 

So this week I ask you to pray for Priests – especially those Priests of The Society – that we are made strong in the Holy Spirit, that we are made strong in Love and in Hope. That we are made strong to be out in the world proclaiming Christ’s name – no matter what is thrown at us. 

Please pray for those being ordained this weekend, and pray for me – your Priest.

Fr. Matthew


Other news

Please welcome Anthony Wang who is visiting us today (Sunday) as we search for our new Director of Music. Do have a chat with him and let him know what you’d like to hear, what excites you and what you think will help people come to know Jesus in Hayes. 

Bric-a-brac is back! This Saturday (26th June) from 10am to 1pm come along and help set up, sell, or bring your items you think can raise money for the mission of St. Anselm. 

As the church hall starts to be hired out we are going to need someone to give it (and the toilets & kitchen) a clean each week. It is paid work so let Fr. Matthew know if you know anyone who would like to do it.

The Rosary Mission in the parish will run from the 4th July to the 18th July (when the Bishop will join us).

Help fund an organist – please consider setting up regular giving with the Parish Giving Scheme. Call 0333 002 1271 with your bank details to hand and quote our Parish Code – 230 623 503 or visit our website