Renewal and expectancy.
This Sunday we will all renew our baptismal vows, we will be sprinkled with holy water as we call to mind those promises we made – for some – quite some time ago!
I find this service to be especially poignant and approach it each year (thank the good Lord we can do it this year!) with a degree of expectancy.
It’s a word that sings out loudly from our Gospel this Sunday:
“A feeling of expectancy had grown among the people” (Luke 3:15)
On one hand it carries with it the expectancy of the people who were starting to believe that John was in fact Christ – but it also conjures up for me the expectancy of what a baptised life looks like.
I have preached many times on the renewal of Christian life through regular confession and forgiveness.
Renewal also comes through the remembrance of our baptismal vows – it’s why we do it every single time someone is baptised in church.
Now, I should warn you – that the last time I did this I used a great deal of water – my training incumbent called the entire thing ‘father’s revenge’ – so – come prepared to be soaked in the waters of baptism, to put behind you those things that should be put behind you and to once again walk, cleansed of your sin, into the world proclaiming Jesus Christ – just as John did.
Fr. Matthew
Other news
Bring a bottle with you on Sunday if you would like to take some Holy Water home with you. Then cross yourself with it each time you leave the house.
Thank you to everyone who has donated food, time & money to the new St. Anselm foodbank. We helped 12 families & individuals this Wednesday and 5 during the week. We are in need of tinned meat, fish and vegetables along with long life milk and dried noodles. If you could provide any of these we would be grateful for your support.
Our advert for a new director of music will go out later this week – along with a personal message of support from Anthony. When you see it please do share it with your friends just in case they know of someone who may be looking for a move to our wonderful community!
Please note there is no morning prayer or mass on Monday 10th, but there will be mass in the evening after Evening Prayer.
I will be blessing chalk at the high mass for Epiphany on Thursday 6th. If you would like your home blessed with this chalk I plan to wander the parish on Sunday (9th) from 2pm onwards. Do let me know if you’d like me to come to your home (email or call me on the numbers on the pew sheet).