News for 5th December

News for 5th December

The Bethlehem Candle. 

On our way.

In the second week of Advent we light our second candle… the Bethlehem Candle. In lighting it we pray that we may join Mary and Joseph on their journey to Bethlehem. 

Our journey this week is about preparation. 

Mary and Joseph were preparing for the birth of their son. I imagine they were like any parents… planning and dreaming about their future as a family. Worrying if they’ve got everything ready. 

I can picture them sat with family – smiling at the pictures in their minds as they dreamt of the future. I can see them as they wonder if they’ve got everything, talking with each other and figuring out if everything is ready for the birth. 

It’s easy to picture because I’ve been there – as a father to Edmund – sat in the living room with Catheirne planning and worrying about nappies, about cots, about car seats and about hundreds of other things.

It’s a picture of Christmas in so many ways. We run from A to B worried that we’ve missed something or some one. Worried about having enough food. Worried about COVID. Worried about money. 

The journey is fraught with worry… but we shouldn’t loose sight of the fact that the journey is also rich with dreams of the future.

Mary and Joseph were brining Jesus into the world. Our Saviour. It was not the birth they planned, but it was awesome none the less. 

Perhaps in their journey we can see a path to peace in our own journey.

Fr. Matthew 


Other news

Don’t forget to re-register for Gift Envelopes – even if you already have one. Sign up on the sheet at the back of church or contact David Couling (number on the front of the pew sheet).

Don’t miss the Advent & Christmas Concert on Sunday afternoon at 3pm with Mince Pies & Mulled Wine!

High Mass for The Immaculate Conception of the BVM on Wednesday at 10am. No Evening Prayer on Tuesday.