Fan Into Flame, The Gift of God in you
For this reason, I remind you to fan into flame the gift of God, which is in you through the laying on of my hands (2 Timothy 1:6).
Each of us has unique gifts that came from God, and we must fan them or stir them up for them to benefit the assembly of God. Sometimes we belittle what is in us and cannot stir it up to achieve our full potential. This is because we think we have nothing to offer or that what God has given us is irrelevant. It is important to note that every Christian has a ministry in the church of God, and we need to develop them through the power of the Holy Spirit poured on us at Baptism.
We cannot build our gifts when we hide them and do not make them relevant in the church and the community. No God-given gift is too small or irrelevant because God gives every skill or talent to help the assembly grow, develop and flourish. Therefore, the power and authority of God are always at work in the church, where every gift is made evident and relevant.
Let us look deep within us in devotion, meditation and prayer through the power of the Holy Spirit to discern what God wants us to use our gifts for in the church and the community of believers. This will help us fan into flame the gift of God in us by making ourselves available to the things of God and playing an active role in any area of the Church’s life.
Fr. Josiah
Other news
There will be Sunday School NEXT WEEK at 11:30am-12:30pm. Please invite and encourage your children to come.
Please sign up for Parish Giving (which is a wonderful way to support St. Anselm and helps us claim more money from the government) Go to or call the Parish Giving Team directly on 0333 002 1271 quoting our parish number, which is: 230 623 503.
Our Thursday Fun & Fellowship (TFF) is on again this Thursday at 7pm. It’s going to be a great evening of conversation, board games, all with tea, coffee & cake. Please be in touch with Fr. Josiah if you could lend a hand serving or having a chat with people.