28th March – Palm Sunday News

28th March – Palm Sunday News


before & after the darkness.  

Palm Sunday has always struck me as a delightful and fun day. I can so easily get caught up in the expectation and the joy of the people of Jerusalem as Jesus enters the city. 

I can see and hear the children as they run to meet him. This great teacher, this man who is God, Jesus who has given us so many signs and such wonderful love. 

The noise, the smells, the hands held high waving palm branches crying out ‘Hosanna in the highest!’

But in the midst of that joy there is a deep darkness. It is harder for us to experience fully the joy of the people of Jerusalem because know the story, we know what comes next. 

We know the agony that awaits Jesus and his disciples. 

We know the darkness of the garden at Gethsemane (where we will join the Disciples in their Watch on Maundy Thursday). 

We know the pain of the arrest and His condemnation. His struggle to carry the cross, His falls, the reversal of the joy of the crowds to jeers, hatred and spittle. 

Palm Sunday marks the start of that journey of darkness. 

It also, and this is the vital part of the story, marks the start of the journey towards the light. 

We KNOW that Jesus will come again, that He will rise three days later, that He will save us all – and in that joy we share a large part. 

This week, accept and see the darkness… then let the light destroy it utterly.

Fr. Matthew


Other news

Wear red! This Sunday we remember the throng at the gates of Jerusalem, calling out toJesus ‘enter the King of glory!’ Join in with that throng and wear something red. Although we can’t have a procession this year, we will have palm crosses and we will be blessing them at the start of the service. 

The electoral roll is still open and will close next Sunday. Do take a form or contact Fr. Matthew to be added.

We’ll be following a Polish tradition on Good Friday and blessing baskets of food. This is at the request of our builders and it would be lovely for our congregation to come as well with Easter Eggs and Easter Food to be blessed. Just bring it in a basket at 11am.  

Don’t forget to consider setting up regular giving with the Parish Giving Scheme. Call 0333 002 1271 with your bank details to hand and quote our Parish Code – 230 623 503